Thursday, January 8, 2009

Income Tax System

1.1 Introduction:

Every year we have to fill up a huge number of Income Tax Return Forms in our country. But we face many problems and waste our valuable time to fill up this form. Now a day, people are very busy. So, people want to do this work within a second. To do this work computer is very essential. Now only computer but also we need computer based program. But in our country there is no software to do this bothered work easily. So for reducing these suffering of the people, we have to decide to make suitable software for this type of work properly, where the people do not suffer more problems and they can save their valuable time. With this flow of development and with the recent advent of the Internet and World Wide Web various institutions have promoted new technology to do their daily tasks. For this reasons we are the student of “University Of development Alternative (UODA)” want to make software, which is “BANGLADESH INCOME TAX SYSTEM”.

Now we are in the age of online, we feel the importance to do our daily jobs computerize system. We are trying to develop software which will provide lots of facilities to collect tax in a synchronized way. The tax collecting system divided into many modules and income Tax system creates an environment which facilitates both tax collectors and tax assesses.

With the flow of development we are going to introduce an on line income Tax System that can be helpful for our National board of revenue. This online “income Tax System” intended to be our final year project under the integrated project name “BANGLADESH INCOME TAX SYSTEM” in care of Mrs. Kazi Tareen Wali, lecturer, department of CSE, faculty of Engineering.

1.2 Project Life Cycle:

The project life cycle includes various development phases that occur in the life of project starting right from the inception of the project to its final development at the client’s end. The three development phases in a project life cycle are.

· Project initiation

· Project execution

· Project development

1.2.1 Project initiation:

The project initiation phase is fist phase of life cycle. This phase involves creating a complete plan for the project, specifying various activities that will be performed and assigning responsibilities to team members on the basis of their skill set.

1.2.2 Project execution:

After the project plan is made and the responsibilities assigned, the actual development of the project starts. The phase in which the actual development of the project takes place is known as the project execution phase. This is the most crucial phase of any project and is subdivided into the following phases.

1. system analysis

· Initial study

· Information gathering

· Feasibility study

2. System design

· Design standard

· High level design & design tools

· Database design

· Logical design

· Construction

3. System implementation

· integration & testing

· post implementation

1.2.3 Project development:

After the project execution phase, the final phase of a project life cycle is the project development phase. In this phase, the deployed at the client side. This phase also involves providing customer support to the client for some specified period of time.

When project is built it may possibly remain more or less errors, because several type of modification can take place. So for the very first time when we run the database web site we found few problems in tools portions. We fixed this problem including some minor problems immediately, and afterwards the application runs properly.

1.3 Objective of this Project:

v To fill up the income tax return from easily.

v Any people could gather his/her information about income tax through this system easily.

v Try to reduce the suffering of the people.

v Maintenance will become easier and efficient for the people.

v Develop a system to save time and money.

v To make secured data storage.

v This system provides quick service for people.

1.4 Methodology:

Methodology is a collection of procedure, techniques, tools and documentation aids that help the system development in their effort to implement a new Income tax system.

The proposed methodology is planned to meet the objective of Online Income Tax System of UODA in an effective way.

Methods are simply techniques that we apply to accomplish something. Methods include guidelines, techniques and tools for building a software system. In order to develop Computer based Information system we need a methodology. Since there is a huge plan for further work. Methodology-Proposed System, Process of Work, Requirements, Output, feasibility, Time Scheduling, Design (DFD, Database Dictionary & Design, ERD), Implementation, Testing, Evaluation.

Our total project will be evaluation project.

Project Execution and Analysis

2.1.0 System Analysis:

In this part we discuss all of the query and problem of the Income Tax system and try to finding the solution.

2.1.1 What is Income Tax System?

Income tax system is the process which is related to proper management and synchronized way for collecting tax by filling up return form and getting Tax Identification Number (TIN).Here our Government can get the thorough information of income and expenditure for any single people who pay taxes.

At present in our country there is no software for Income Tax System, to complete National Board of Revenue to do their total tasks in a sequential way .This process makes all types of work so much easier because it maintains a schedule. It makes all types of work faster.

2.1.2 Existing System:

In our country the existing Income Tax system is a manual system. If the whole system is manually defined, there are some problems. The problems of existing systems are as follows:

1. It is very slow and takes many times.

2. It is very difficult to make a system.

3. It is not error free.

2.1.3 Propose System:

But now we want to do it automatically. Which will be so easier for Whole University and it has some advantages as follows:

1. Dynamic System

2. Error free

3. User Friendly

2.1.4 Reasons of the changes and major expected benefits:

In our country it is not easy to pay tax system swiftly because this process is done manually so it is not well developed and it is very slow, and lost many time to make a tax system even not easy to get the TIN number. So many people not get eager to pay their tax regarding on income. On the other hand there are many people who don’t want to pay taxes.

Bui in this system we must consider all the information about our assesses income and their expenditure.

So it is easy for government to find out them who is not paying their tax and can get the information instantly.

2.2 Fact Finding Technique:

In order to develop the process model of the new system at first the system analysis the requirement analysis of the proposed system had to be done. During system analysis and requirement analysis of our Income Tax System we have taken the following fact finding Techniques

1. Interviewing

2. Questionnaires

3. Observation

2.2.1 Interviews Structures:

Our goal is to implement to a new system and to overcome the drawbacks of the existing system. That’s way we have to go through an interview process which will give necessary information about the project requirements and help to solve a problems as well as fulfill in the user requirements.

For this purpose we have to select the project to be interviewed as an interviewer we must give priority to the users those who are involved with our Income Tax System. In this regard, we discussed with them about our proposed Income Tax System and wanted to know about the problems of existing Income Tax System. We will also try to collect their opinions about the development of our system, which will help us including new system or add new features.

2.2.3 Observation:

AS the student of UODA we were already familiar with some existing procedure. Yet we communicated with the administrative level personnel to know all the specific activities as stated.

· How the information are stored

· How the assesses details are stored

· How the income and expenditure information are stored

· How the law of paying taxes are stored

· What type of permission exist among the relations

2.3 Project Phase analysis:

Project phases:

We divided our whole work of the project into the following developing phases.

2.3.1 Phase 1: Analysis the requirements of the project.

In this phase we basically analysis the requirements and develop our knowledge on demand. We will sort out all the necessary tools that will be needed. We will grow up the technological background to make workable the software in all environment and network facilities. Requirement Analysis:

We should need to analyze for the Income Tax the following things—

  • Users of the Income Tax Return Forms.
  • Forms and documents which are used for collecting the Income Tax.
  • Various reports used in Income Tax Function. In our system we collect report from income tax office and law chamber.
  • How is the current working procedure managed?
  • What are the current problems that you are facing?
  • Do you think any additional requirement can improve the current process?
  • By taking opinion from the user that, how the system can be easier to access for the user? The method of collecting requirements:

v Reading books & related reference book for developing knowledge about Income Tax System.

v Internet Browsing.

v Talking with the students, our friends who are interested to help us by giving information about Income Tax System.

v Talking with our supervisor & other teacher who are experienced to make tax system and working with the automation.

v Talking with Programmer or experienced people who are working this type of related sector.

2.3.2 Phase 2: Module Analysis

In this phase we will analyses our module and fragment the overall module in some small modules. Which help us to complete total system easily.

2.3.3 Phase3: Develop Modules

We will make the task flow and code flow of each module in this phase. We will write the row code to build up the modules.

2.3.4 Phase 4: Integrate Modules

In this phase we will integrate all modules. The backbone of the software will stand up in this phase and the software will be useable.

2.3.5 Phase5: Test, bug finding and bug fixing

We will test the overall features of the software. By testing the features we will find out the bugs. After that all the bugs will be solved.

2.3.6Phase 6: Use of the software

This software will be use for national board of revenue for Online Income Tax System.

2.3.7phase 7:Tools and methods used in this software is mentioned below:

We have used PHP (hypertext preprocessor) and Mysql with innodb and mylsam engine to share information smoothly, which help to fetch information with the databases stored. We have used php 5.0, apache 1.3.14 and Mysql 4.1.9 Information through internet helped us to develop this software. Encryption method used in this software to provide security. JavaScript and CSS (Cascade Style Sheet) used in this software to provide beautiful look.

2.3.8phase 8 : Software Engineering Process

Fig 3.1: Software Engineering Software

System engineering process required developing software properly. It is important to understand the steps of system engineering. It helps to design a software develop a software properly.

2.3.9phase 9(SDLC) Software development life cycle.

A Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is an abstract description of the structured end methodological development and modification process applied to the main stages of producing and developing software.

Software engineering is an area of software development in which computer scientists and engineers study methods and tools that facilitate the efficient development of correct, reliable, and robust computer programs. Research in this branch of computer science considers all the phases of the software life cycle, which begins with a formal problem specification, and progresses to the design of a solution, its implementation as a program, testing of the program, and program maintenance. Software engineers develop software tools and collections of tools called programming environments to improve the development process. For example, tools can help to manage the many components of a large program that is being written by a team of programmers.

A Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is an abstract description of the structured end methodological development and modification process applied to the main stages of producing and developing software.


3.1.1 Requirements

The needs of users are called requirements. To make these requirements computerized into software, we need to specify the basic needs & wishes of users. To do this, we have to think about the problem domain of the system that user requests. At last one more thing to say that, we have some techniques, processes to do this, this is Requirement Engineering

3.1.2 Requirement Engineering

Requirement Engineering is that activity transforms the needs and wishes of customers and potential users of computerized systems, usually incomplete and expressed in informal terms into complete, precise consistence specifications, preferably written in formal notations.




Fig 3.1:2 Requirement Engineering

3.2.1 System Design Model:

In our Income Tax System there are two types of User models are shown

These are:

1. Normal User (Assesses/Browser)

2. Administrator

3.2.2 Normal User:

A regular user is any kind of assesses who need to pay their taxes can see the tax system and get some information about the Income Tax.

3.2.3 Administrator:

An admin user is a selected user who has the permissions to create a new tax system or edit the tax system. The admin user also viewing the tax system and get some information.

3.3.1 Use case model

Overview of the use cases model of our proposed system” Income Tax”.

Fig: 3.3.1 Use case diagram of proposed Income Tax System.

5.0 Work plan:

**We are trying our best to complete our task within three months and complete the total task as follows:

Task ID







Fig: 5.1 Complete task Table

5.1 Tools for design, analysis and Programming:

5.1.1 Design Tools Used:

HTML, HTML Editor, Browser (Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, Mozilla etc).

  • Client Side and Server Side Scripting :
    • PHP
    • JavaScript
    • HTML
    • CSS (Cascade Style Sheet)
  • Database Used as Back End:
    • My SQL
  • Web Server Used:
    • Apache (For Local host)

5.1.2 about the Design Tools What is PHP?

· PHP stands for PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor

· PHP is a server-side scripting language, like ASP

· PHP scripts are executed on the server

· PHP supports many databases (MySQL, Informix, Oracle, Sybase, Solid, PostgreSQL, Generic ODBC, etc.)

· PHP is an open source software (OSS)

· PHP is free to download and use What is a PHP File?

· PHP files may contain text, HTML tags and scripts

· PHP files are returned to the browser as plain HTML

· PHP files have a file extension of ".php", ".php3", or ".phtml" What is My SQL?

· My SQL is a small database server

· My SQL is ideal for small and medium applications

· My SQL supports standard SQL

· My SQL compiles on a number of platforms

· My SQL is free to download and use PHP + My SQL

  • PHP combined with My SQL are cross-platform (means that you can develop in Windows and serve on a Unix platform) Why PHP?

  • PHP runs on different platforms (Windows, Linux, UNIX, etc.)
  • PHP is compatible with almost all servers used today (Apache, IIS, etc.)
  • PHP is FREE to download from the official PHP resource:
  • PHP is easy to learn and runs efficiently on the server side. What is Apache?

Apache is an HTTP server, originally designed for UNIX systems. This is the version of Apache for Microsoft Windows 2000, NT, 98, and 95 systems. Like the UNIX version, it includes many frequently requested new features, and has an API that allows it to be extended to meet users' needs more easily. It also allows limited support for ISAPI extensions.

Apache performs best, and is still most reliable on Unix platforms. Over time the performance, reliability and security for the Apache Win32 port has improved, and continues to improve. Folks doing comparative reviews of web server performance are still asked to compare against Apache running on a UNIX platform such as Solaris, FreeBSD, or Linux. What Is HTML?

The explosive growth of the World Wide Web is relatively unprecedented, although it resembles the desktop publishing revolution of the early and mid-1980s. As personal computers became more common in homes and offices, people began to learn to use them for document creation and page layout and memorizing bizarre codes.

Suddenly, the same kind of growth is being seen as folks rush to create and publish pages of a different sort. To do this, they need to learn to use something called the Hypertext Mark-up Language (HTML).

The HTML standard is maintained and debated by a group called the HTML Working Group, which, in turn, is a creation of the Internet Engineering Task Force. The Working Group was charged in 1994 with the task of defining the HTML standard that was in widespread use on the Web at the time (known as HTML 2.0), and then submitting proposals for future standards, including the HTML 3.0 standard.

7.1 Limitation:

**We think There Are little limitation in our software

These are follows:

  • We can’t divide the large Income Tax System
  • We can’t use this system available place
  • In our software we use TIN Number which will be difficult to remember.

7.2 Post implementation

After implementing and testing the database web site we found that it almost fulfilled all of the requirements of our abstract and system designing considerations. The application is working smoothly for all its users, such as see the tax system of any people. In further we will try to solve our limitation and we are hopeful next time it will be a complete dynamitic income tax generating Software.

7.3 Discussion

To write discussion phase we should make on thing clear at the very beginning-although the l structure of a routine system is very complex, we took a professional approach, and designed the project in the best possible way so that it could be used instantly by any interested organization.

7.4 Conclusion

Website development is a continuous process. In near future there is a plan that this site will be a complete dynamic tax system .Ultimate destination for the user to get information about income tax system very easily.

At the end of this project we hardly request to the faculties of Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) to approve our project.


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