Thursday, January 8, 2009

Library Management System

Now we are in the age of automation. In this age, we feel the importance of automation in all steps of daily jobs. We are trying to develop an automation system which will provide lots of facilities to our University. The total automation system divided into many modules, here our parts is “Library Management System” .This is a small part of total automation System but The Library Management System will provide an environment which facilitate teachers & students easy to access the library information.

The Aim of this project is to help our student, Library administrator and Teacher to access our library in a computerized way. Or search Books via Internet. We found that if our Library Management system is automated or computerized then it it will be very easy to search any book. It saves our time and our total Library Management system become very easy.


 It will help student or library administrator to access library easily
 To reduce people’s haphazard.
 Searching process of a book becomes very easy.
 Maintenance of these books becomes very easy.
 To assure the information of the library such as book types, copy number of books, authors name, availability of particular book etc.
 To make secured data storage of library information.
 Manage the library as a systematic way.
 Huge information can be stored.


An important aspect of modeling is its role as a communication tool in determining requirements. For users what they require, and is the current system satisfying their requirements. As we go though the project, we find out three types of user in this project. They are student, teacher & library supervisor. We visit them in different time to collect their requirements. Though all of the requirements are not same but we tried out to make an interface among their requirements.

1.4 Project Life Cycle

The project life cycle includes various development phases that occur in the life of project starting right from the inception of the project to its final development at the client’s end. The three development phases in a project life cycle are:-
• Project initiation
• Project execution
• Project deployment

1.4.1 Project initiation:
The project initiation phase is fist phase of life cycle. This phase involves creating a complete plan for the project, specifying various activities that will be performed and assigning responsibilities to team members on the basis of their skill set.

1.4.2 Project execution:
After the project plan is made and the responsibilities assigned, the actual development of the project starts. The phase in which the actual development of the project takes place is known as the project execution phase. This is the most crucial phase of any project and is subdivided into the following phases:-
A. system analysis
• Initial study
• Information gathering
• Feasibility study
B. System design
• Design standard
• High level design & design tools
• Database design
• Logical design
• Construction

3. System implementation
• Integration & testing
• Post implementation

1.4.3 Project development:
After the project execution phase, the final phase of a project life cycle is the project development phase. In this phase, the deployed at the client side. This phase also involves providing customer support to the client for some specified period of time.
When project is built it may possibly remain error les of more, because several type of modification can take place several times. So for the very first time when we run the database web site we found few problems in tools potions. We fixed this problem including some minor problems immediately, and afterwards the application runs properly.

Chapter 2
Project Execution and Analysis

2.1 Introduction of System Analysis
System analysis is a detailed study of the various operation performed by a study and their relationships within the meeting members of the system. A key question is what must be done. One aspect on analysis is defining the boundaries of the system and determining whether or not a candidate system should consider other related system. During analysis, data are collected on available files, decision, points, and transactions handled by the present system.

System analysis is conducted with the following objectives in mind:
• Identify the end users.
• Evaluate the system concept for feasibility.
• Perform economic and technical analysis.
• Allocate functions to hardware, software, meeting members, database, and other system elements.
• Establish cost and schedule constraints.
• Create a system definition that forms the foundation for all subsequent engineering works.

2.1.1 Initial Investigation
The first phase of the software engineering development life cycle is initial investigation. In this stage, the analyst (system engineer) meets with organizer and the end user. The end user would be access of this system, the academic and other department of the analyst's in this system.
It depends on three tasks:
• Defining the problem and deciding whether to be proceed.
• Analyzing the current system of the problem.
• Selecting the best solution.
So, initial investigation identify that what will do top to bottom of the system.

2.1.2 Feasibility Study
Feasibility study is the preliminary investigation into the system to evaluate the possibility of a computer system and estimate costs and benefits where quality and time also involve. This is the most effective method of solution.
Feasibility and risk analysis are related in many ways. If project risk is great, the feasibility of producing quality software is reduced.
There are eight steps in feasibility study:
• Form a project team and appoint a project leader.
• Prepare system flow chart
• Enumerate potential candidate system
• Describe an identify characteristic of the candidate system
• Determine and evaluate performance and cost effectiveness of candidate system
• Weight system performance and cost data
• Select the best candidate system
• Prepare and report project directive to management

Three key considerations are involved in feasibility study:

2.1.3 Economic feasibility
Economic feasibility usually known as cost analysis; determines whether the adoptions of a system can be cost justified. Economic justification is generally the "bottom-line" consideration for most system [1]. Economic justification includes cost-benefit analysis, long-term corporate income strategies, impact on other profit centers or products, cost of resources needed for development, and potential system growth to survive the system into automation in a profitable manner.

2.1.4 Technical feasibility
Technical feasibility is the most difficult area to access for the automation system engineering process. Some considerations for technical feasibilities are:
• Development risk
• Resource availability.
• Technological risk
• Technical management

2.1.5 Behavioral/ Legal feasibility
Behavioral feasibility determines how much effort will go into educating, managing, training the user staff for the system. The organizer and the end user will be supported in this system.

2.2 Library Management System
A Library Management System is a system where a user can access a library automatically. Here automatically stands for computerized way. In a manual system when we go a library, we see a lot of books are in self by self. There is no member, no serial of these books. It is difficult to find out a certain book for a certain writer. To reduce these haphazard we decide to make this LMS system automated. In this system a user easily get which books are in the library. How many copies have of them, the name of the writer of the book etc?

2.3 Existing System:
The system we have currently is a poor manual library system. There is a lot of book in library but no serial number of them. Different writers have different books but no chart of them. Our library supervisor maintains only a register chart. Where there is no information about the book lender. So it is difficult to find out the book lender in next time. And it is risky too to give a book. Students are not able to lend a book from the library because library supervisor has no sufficient information about them that she/he can search out the lender.
Our existing library management system is a manual system. The whole system is manually defined and it has some problems. The problems of existing systems are as follows:
• It is very slow and takes many times.
• It is very difficult to maintain.
• It is not error free.

2.4 Propose System:
But now we want to do it automatically. Which will be so easier for Whole University and it has some advantages as follows:-

• Dynamic System
• Error free
• User Friendly

2.5 Strategy for Determining Requirement Information:
For the requirement analysis we use the key strategies for determination of requirements of the user.
• Getting information from the existing system.
• Interview.
• Questionnaires.
• Hardware & software requirements

2.5.1 Getting Information from the Existing System:
In this stage we simply ask the personnel of meeting management information section- what information are currently received and what other information are required. From this stage we find that the meeting members of the university are recording manually their personal information in the member register.

2.5.2 Interview:

Why do we conduct interviews during system analysis, the reasons are these:

 We need to gather information about the behavior of a current system or the requirements of a new.

 We need to verify our own understanding as system analyst of the behavior of a current system or the requirements of a new system. This understanding was probably acquired through previous interviews together with independently gathered information.

 We need to gather information about the current system and/or system in order to carry out cost-benefit meeting between a system analyst and an end user.

We took the interview of the teacher, student, and Library Supervisor. As interview is the most common and most satisfactory way of obtaining information, particularly to obtain information about objectives constraints, allocation of details and problems and failures in the existing system.
After the interview all notes are read through and expanded to make them intangible. As the data are in random order, they were revised into a more useful order before the next work is commenced.

2.5.3 Questionnaires:
As the last phase of requirement analysis we distributed a form of fact finding that were used with great caution, because designing questionnaires is a specialization within the general subject of form design. It required considerable skill and field testing are required to avoid confuse and misinformation.
When we were designing the questionnaires, we bear the mind its purpose, its recipients and its timing. The questionnaires were carefully phrased so as not be ambiguous, not to lead the recipient to false answer and not to prevent relevant answer from been included.

Questionnaires for Library Supervisor:
 What is the system of current library?
 What are the aspects of them from the library?
 What are the limitations of the library?
 How library information are storing?
 How lenders are find out?
 What is the process for book searching?
 How many books are in library?
 What is the system of lending book?
 How the information of a member are stored?
 What is your expectation from Automated LMS?

Questionnaires for Members:
 How you borrow a book from Library?
 Do you think the current library system helpful for you?
 How you search a book from in the library?
 Do you prefer online based LMS?
 What is your expectation from the Automated LMS?

2.5.4 Hardware & software requirements

Software Requirements:
 Any Operating System.
 Internet Explorer

Hardware Requirements:

Component Minimum Maximum
Process speed 233 MHz Higher ( P4)
Ram 64 MB Higher
Graphic Card AGP 32 MB Higher
Monitor Any Color Monitor Higher
CD Rom Any 16X Higher

Table 1: Hardware Requirement Table

2.6 Project Phase analysis:

2.6.1 Project phases
We divided our whole work of the project into the following developing phases.

2.6.2 Analysis the requirements of the project.
In this phase we basically analysis the requirements and develop our knowledge on demand. We will sort out all the necessary tools that will be needed. We will grow up the technological background to make workable the software in all environments.
2.6.3 The method of collecting requirements:
 Reading books & related reference book.
 Internet Browsing.
 Talking with the students, our friends who are interested to help us by giving information about Library management System.
 Talking with our supervisor & other teacher who are experienced to make Library and working with the automation.
 Talking with Programmer or experienced people who are working this type of related sector.

2.6.4 Phase 2: Module Analysis
In this phase we will analyses our module and fragment the overall module in some small modules. Which help us to complete total system easily.

2.6.5 Phase3: Develop Modules
We will make the task flow and code flow of each module in this phase. We will write the row code to build up the modules.

2.6.6 Phase 4: Integrate Modules
In this phase we will integrate all modules. The backbone of the software will stand up in this phase and the software will be useable.

2.6.7 Phase5: Test, bug finding and bug fixing
We will test the overall features of the software. By testing the features we will find out the bugs. After that all the bugs will be solved.

2.6.8 Phase 6: Use of the software
This software will be use for Our University Automation System for Library management.

Chapter 3
Design of a system model

3.1 System Design Model:
In our Routine Management System there are three types of User models are shown
These are:
• Normal User
• Administrator
• registered user

3.1.1 Normal User:
A regular user is any kind of user like students, teachers or any body who uses the system and can see the online library and get information.

3.1.2 Administrator:
An admin user is a selected user who has the permissions to create a new admin or edit update delete operation. The admin users also perform the book function like book borrow, book lending book return etc.

3.1.3 Registered user
It means that, only our students, teacher, & employee are permitted to registration. These type of people have to has perform book borrow, return function.

3.2 Use case model
Overview of the use cases model of our proposed system” Library Management System”.

Fig: 3.1.a Use case diagram of proposed Routine Management System.

Fig: 3.1.b Use case diagram of proposed Routine Management System.

Fig: 3.1.c Use case diagram of proposed Routine Management System.


DFD show the flow of data from external entities into the system, showed how the data moved from one process to another, as well as its logical storage. DFD figure presents DFD of the project. There are only four symbols:

 Squares representing external entities, which are sources or destinations of data.
 Rounded rectangles representing processes, which take data as input, do something to it, and output it.
 Arrows representing the data flows, which can either, be electronic data or physical items.
 Open-ended rectangles representing data stores, including electronic stores such as databases and physical stores.


Request for book

Request for Information
Requested Result

Request for Book

Requested Result

Fig 3.2: Data Flow Diagram of Library Management System



Fig 3.3: Critical System

3.4.1 Dependability:

It should be include the following content:
 Availability
 Reliability
 Safety
 Security

Library System is a part of Automation System. So this library system depends the following category.

3.4.2 Availability:
Availability of our library system is the probability that it will be arriving and able
to deliver useful service at any given time.

3.4.3 Reliability:
In our module we will try to remove all most error so that our system dose not hangs frequently & it will give result perfectly. And it will be more reliable to access the library system.

3.4.4 Safety:
At the time of module develop we will ensure our system safety. On the other hand university authorities take action for system safety. So that any unauthorized people cannot touch the system.

3.4.5 Security:
System will want password to ensure legal access & block illegal or unauthorized access.

Chapter 4
work plan

4.1 Work plan:
We are trying our best to complete our task within three months and complete the total task as follows:

Table 2: Work Plan

4.2 Tools:
The software will be developed using PHP and HTML as Front End and MySQL as Back End. HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP are used for module design.

4.2.1 Apache
Apache HTTP Server is an open source HTTP web server for UNIX platforms
(BSD, Linux and UNIX systems), Microsoft Windows, and other platforms. The
Name was initially chosen as a catchy name in order to be original, but the most
Widespread interpretation (which almost immediately surfaced) is that the name
Comes from the fact that when it was developed in early 1995, it consisted of
Changes in the code to the most popular HTTP server of the time, NASA HTTP
1.3 And was therefore “a patchy” server.

4.2.2 MySQL
MySQL is a multithreaded, multi-user SQL database management system (DBMS)The MySQL database has become the world's most popular open source database because of its consistent fast performance, high reliability and ease of use
Not only is MySQL the world's most popular open source database, it's also become the database of choice for a new generation of applications built on the LAMP stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP / Perl / Python.) MySQL runs on more than 20 platforms including Linux, Windows, OS/X, HP-UX, AIX, Netware, giving you the kind of flexibility that puts you in control.
Its popularity as a web application is closely tied to the popularity of PHP, which is often combined with MySQL PHP. MySQL is used in a wide range of applications, including data warehousing, e-commerce, Web databases, logging applications and distributed applications.
4.2.3 PHP
PHP is a reflective programming language originally designed for producing dynamic web pages. PHP is used mainly in server-side scripting, but can be used from a command line interface or in standalone graphical applications.
PHP generally runs on a web server, taking PHP code as its input and creating Web pages as output, however it can also be used for command-line scripting and client-side GUI applications. PHP can be deployed on most web servers and on almost every OS platform free of charge. The PHP Group also provides the complete source code for users to build, customize and extend for their own use.

4.2.5 HTML
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language.
• Hypertext is ordinary text that has been dressed up with extra features, such as formatting, images, multimedia, and links to other documents.
• Markup is the process of taking ordinary text and adding extra symbols. Each of the symbols used for markup in HTML is a command that tells a browser how to display the text.
HTML, short for Hypertext Markup Language, is the predominant markup language for the creation of web pages. It provides a means to describe the structure of text-based information in a document — by denoting certain text as headings, paragraphs, lists, and so on — and to supplement that text with interactive forms, embedded images, and other objects.
HTML is written in the form of labels (known as tags), surrounded by less-than (<) and greater-than signs (>). HTML can also describe, to some degree, the appearance and semantics of a document, and can include embedded scripting language code which can affect the behavior of web browsers and other HTML processors.
4.3 Conceptual model of our proposed Library Management system:

Fig 3.3: Conceptual Model

Chapter 5
Analyzing & Specification

5.1 Analyzing & Specification
We have found we have three library in three different buildings in an average each library has 5000 books. Different department has different library in a separate building
Library administrator maintains a khata to keep information about the book no student could lend any book or even couldn’t see what the books in the library are.
To reach our project goals our LMS system must has to provide following features:-
Student could see book list
Student could lend book from library
Administrator has to have the option add edit delete remove the booklist.
Administrator & student could see the borrowed the book list
The total system should be internet based.


Home Page

Home Page is our main page of our Library Management System.

Our LMS system is developed by php & mysql . We take sevent database table to develop this LMS. Those tables are
i. Admin table
ii. Employee table
iii. Requirement table
iv. Booklist table
v. Defaulter table
vi. Book Borrow table
vii. Book information table

5.2.1 Admin table

Admin table has two fields one is admin id and other is password. Admin table only access by administrator.

Work for Administrator:

An administrator has four categories to work. Those are
• User
• Maintenance
• Books
• Searching

User Category has four options.

User Registration:

This option is for User (Student, teacher) registration. A User has to go the LMS administrator with his or her id card. Then Administrator will register him/her as a member of LMS. To help administrator we keep four fields for member registration. These are member id, Student id, Password and e-mail. Member id will provide by LMS administrator and other information will be taken form the user ID card.
Access with user
This option provide user accessing the library books , borrow , lend etc.

Add employee
Add employee provide employee management table. Here we have to need employee id, name email, phone. Also add, edit update, delete option are available.

Create new Admin

It will provide a new administration form. We have to need here admin id, employee id, previous password & email address.

After fulfill this item we will create a new administrator.


It has two parts such as
o New book entry
o Finding requirements

New book entry:

It provides book management table.

Finding requirements:

It will provide list of required book.


It has three parts

o Book borrow function
o Returning book
o Renew book

Change Administrator:

This option will allow administrator to change his or her administrative password. It consist three field Admin id, Old password and new password. After entering Admin id and old password an admin could enter new password and able to change his/her password.

5.2.2 Employee Table

In LMS sometime we might have need to create new admin user. Create New User id allows us to do that. Creating a new admin user we have four fields. Those are admin id, Employee id password and email address.

5.2.3 Requirements table:

This table allows us to send request for any book. Suppose we need a book of PHP. But it is not in the library. Now if any students send any request REQUIREMENTS TABLE will save that request and later on Admin could act according to the request.

It has five fields. After filing these fields a user can send his requirements.

5.2.4 Booklist table

To search any book we will use this table. It has a drop down menu which consist five categories to search any book. It has also a field which will allow user to fid book by entering book name, author name, book id etc.

According to the user requirements the result will shown as a table with all of the book information.

5.2.5 Defaulter table:

This table is for defaulter list. An admin could search a defaulter by accessing this table. Every day this table will updated automatically.

The defaulter list will show as a table with book id, member id, and returns date of book and also department of a student.

5.2.6 Book borrow Table

Returning Books

Renew books

By this option a borrower could extend his/her book return date.

5.2.7 Book Information Table


It has three parts
o Searching by Book name
o Searching by Author
o Searching by Subject

Searching by Book name

We could search a book by its name.

Searching by Author

By Choosing Author in the Drop down menu and writing the writer’s name, we could search a book.

Searching by subject

This option allows us to search any book as subject wise. Suppose
We need to find out JAVA book. We will write JAVA in the search book id and select subject in the drop down menu.

Chapter 6

[01] IAN SOMMERVILLE, Software Engineering: Software process, (2001)
[02] Ashish Wifred, Meeta Gupta and Bhatnagar, PHP Professional Projects: Handling Data Storage, Using PHP with SQL databases (MySQL), (2002)
[03] Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, McGraw-Hill, (1992)
[04] Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, McGraw-Hill,
(1992) [DAV 95]
[05] D.L Division and Graefe, Memory contention Responsive Hash Joins, proceedings of
the of the International conference on very large data bases, September 1994.
[06] Abrahim Silberschatz, Henry F.Korth, S. Sudarshan, Database System Concept,
Thw McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.(1997).
[07] Bruce, Philip and Sam M. Pederson, The Software Development Project: Plan and
Management, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company,(1995).
[08] Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach, McGraw-Hill,
[09] William E Lewis, Software Testing and Continuous Quality Implement,.CRS Press,
[10] D.L Division and Graefe, Memory contention Responsive Hash Joins, proceedings of the of the International conference on very large data bases, September 1994.


We are very much proud to be a part of University Automation. It was challenging task. We tried our best to accomplish it. But we think here is still some opportunity to improve. We hope that the thesis will continue in this topic. And we are always ready to help our next generation.

We would like to thanks our Project supervisor Miss Tareen Wali for her cordial help. We are regretful to all of our teacher and students for their help. We would also like to thanks them.


  1. Good post by you thanks alot

  2. Goood Poast By You Thankx great Good Jobs

  3. Every school has a wide library, so do they have the requirement to manage the library operations accordingly.
    Library Management Software allows you to manage the whole library through its simple and interactive interface. Thanks for sharing a flow chart.

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